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冲浪雪纳瑞(汪涵 欧弟)

时间:2024-11-30 19:11:12 来源:天宠网


汪涵 欧弟,中文名: 汪涵别名: 汪建刚国籍: 中国民族: 汉族出生地: 江苏苏州出生日期: 1974年4月7日职业: 主持人、制片人毕业院校: 湖南广播电视学校代表作品: 《天天向上》、《越策越开心

中文名: 汪涵

别名: 汪建刚

国籍: 中国

民族: 汉族

出生地: 江苏苏州

出生日期: 1974年4月7日

职业: 主持人、制片人

毕业院校: 湖南广播电视学校

代表作品: 《天天向上》、《越策越开心》、《超级女声》

籍贯: 湖南湘潭

昵称:策神,大哥、涵涵[1]、机器猫2号、涵哥、猫头鹰、汪半仙 麻神 粉丝:涵迷/流 祖籍:上海 出生地:江苏苏州成长地:湖南湘潭 生肖:虎 身高:1.74M 汪涵

体重:65KG 幸运数:4、7 婚姻状况:已婚 妻子:杨乐乐

中文名: 欧汉声

外文名: OD

别名: 欧弟

国籍: 中国

出生地: 台湾基隆

出生日期: 1979年7月4日

职业: 节目主持人、歌手

毕业院校: 基隆培德工家职业学校

经纪公司: 天熹娱乐

代表作品: 《天天向上》《超级模王大道》《我爱男子汉

身高:172cm 2010年芒果台历

生肖:羊 星座:巨蟹座 体重:62kg 语言:汉语(普通话、闽南语)、英语、西班牙语、日语 特质:亲和力(可爱灿烂的笑容)、音乐达人、舞蹈达人、模仿达人 嗜好:冲浪、电玩、高尔夫球、动漫 职业:节目主持人、歌手、演员 粉丝对欧弟的爱称:总舵主 欧宝 黑饼 饼饼 饼 dear fans的昵称:欧迷,欧家人 才艺:唱歌、跳舞、B-BOX、模仿、跆拳道、太空步、萨克斯 座右铭:满招损,谦受益 个性:安静、谦卑、低调(私底下)、羞涩、和善 家庭成员:爸爸 妈妈姐姐 自家宠物:儿喵、Oh no、Ocean 最喜欢的花:向日葵 最喜欢的歌曲:眼泪 最喜欢的食物:口味虾、鸡蛋、饺子 最讨厌的食物:苦瓜、榴莲 最喜欢的饮料:王老吉、爱尔兰咖啡 最喜欢的颜色:蓝、灰黑色 黑色 最喜欢的动物:狗、猫 最喜欢的歌手:迈克尔·杰克逊、张学友、Rain 最喜欢的音乐类型:HIP-HOP、难度高的慢歌、蓝调

中文名: 何炅

外文名: He Jiong

别名: 何老师,炅炅

国籍: 中国

民族: 汉族

出生地: 湖南省长沙市

出生日期: 1974年4月28日

职业: 主持人,教师,演员,作家,歌手

毕业院校: 北京外国语大学

代表作品: 歌曲《栀子花开》 电视剧《正德演义》 主持节目《快乐大本营》

主要成就: 2004年度全国优秀主持人奖




祖籍: 湖南岳阳

就职单位: 北京外国语大学,湖南卫视

昵称: 小和尚(该绰号上学读书后就失传了),金针菇,何老师,何老,老大,老何,炅炅,何何,炅哥,抱爸,八卦炅,帅何,何百万(微博粉丝过百万) 节目昵称:何 著名娱乐节目主持人—何炅

老师、何主持、中华曲库、票友、何二狗、洞庭湖的老麻雀、千年老妖、 金针菇...... 身高: 172cm 体重: 50KG 血型: A 型 星座: 金牛座 属相:虎 视力:300度近视(原因迄今不明) 宠物:抱抱 (雪纳瑞) 政治面貌:中共党员 学历:阿拉伯语专业5年制大学 喜欢的颜色:黑、白 喜欢的食物:很多 喜欢的季节:秋天 最喜欢的歌手:王菲、莫文蔚、林忆莲 最喜欢的动物:狗(所有动物) 最喜欢的节日:教师节 最喜爱的国家:中国 最喜欢的休息:旅游 最喜欢的运动:健身、羽毛球、滑水、游泳 最喜欢的服装品牌:izzue S·SQUARE(艾捷平方)

最喜欢的卡通人物:麦兜 交友原则:善良、投缘 个人座右铭:做最坏的打算,尽最大的努力 。 优点:不耍大牌、知情达理、善解人意、细心体贴、平易近人、爱爸爸妈妈,也爱所有的朋友! 弱点:不经意间会有些忧郁 特点:磁性的嗓子、心灵手巧、架子小,一对招风耳、一对炯炯有神的大眼等 喜欢的作家:王小波、张爱玲 喜欢做的事:画画、游泳、唱歌、服装设计、旅游...... 参加与时间最长和收视最高的节目:《快乐大本营》


中文名: 贾斯汀·比伯

外文名: Justin Bieber / 全名Justin Drew Bieber

别名: JBiebs(国外)、B宝(中国)

国籍: 加拿大

出生地: 加拿大斯特拉特福

出生日期: 1994年3月1日

职业: 歌手

经纪公司: Island Records

代表作品: 《Baby》《One Time》《Never Say Never》

语言: 英语、法语

全球粉丝统称: Belieber (believe + bieber)

唱片公司: 环球唱片

星座: 双鱼座


Justin used to have a green iPod Nano before he got his iPhone.

justin 在有iPhone之前有个绿色的iPod Nano

Justin has a sticker on his mac saying 'I like it better when you're naked'.


Justin has both of his ears pierced


Justin calls boobs, lady lumps (;

justin习惯叫boobs(胸部)为lady lumps。(haha!!cute)

Justin's favorite brand of toothpaste is Colgate.

justin最喜欢的牙膏是高露洁- -

Justin has a scar under his right eye from going hiking with friends, and a branch whipping him there.


Justin only learnt to click his fingers when he was 13


Caitlin got Justin a purity ring for his birthday


Justin sometimes gets migraines from working so hard


Justin isn't a morning person, his favorite time of the day is night time.


The first thing Justin notices about a girl is her smile.


Justin's dad (Jeremy) 's nickname is @LordRauhl. So Justin came up with Kid Rauhl.

justin老爸的绰号叫‘Lord Rauhl’..所以justin给自己取‘Kid Rauhl’(一大一小,是utube的号吧,太口爱了!!

The last album Justin bought was John Mayor's

最近买的一张专辑是john mayor的。

Justin enjoys skateboarding. It's how he used to get places back home in Canada.


Justin said that Scooter 'stalked him' to meet him.


Justin likes accents. He thinks they're adorable


Justin gets a weekly allowance

justin 每月有零花钱

Justin was born a week earlier than he was due


His fave cereal is Captain Crunch & if he doesnt have it in the morning he gets moody

justin最喜欢的谷物早餐是Captain Crunch的,而且如果早上吃不到就会闷闷不乐!

Justin likes naming his things. For example he named his Range Rover, Lisa.

justin喜欢给他的东西取名字,就像给他的车取名为‘Lisa’ (lol..btw我也喜欢!)

Justin's favourite soda is sprite!

justin最喜欢的苏打水是‘雪碧’!!! (那是当然了!)

Justin always smells his pizza before eating it.

justin经常在吃披萨前先闻一闻! (hmmm~~~)

Justin brushes his teeth in the shower

justin喜欢洗澡的时候把牙顺便刷了! (嘿嘿嘿。。)

Justin travels a lot, which makes him live out of a suitcase. So now he never bothers to fold his clothes he just throws them in


Justin doesn't want to date a girl until he can give her all of the love and attention she deserves.


Justin looks for a girl with pretty eyes, a nice smile and a sense of humour. 'It's a plus if you like animals' He also said.

justin一直寻找的女孩要有漂亮眼睛,笑容和幽默感.."如果喜欢动物会更加加分的!!!" (yah...:D)

Justin once stated in an interview that he has around 80 pairs of sneakers. omfg. ;p


if there isn't a blow-dryer at the hotel justin stays at, his hair gets flippy at the ends.


it takes justin 10 minutes to get ready in the morning.


justin isn't good at darts


justin likes green apples

justin 喜欢青苹果

Justin's song 'Where are you now?' Is about his dad and 'Down to Earth' is about his parents divorce.

justin的'Where are you now?'是给爸爸的,'Down to Earth'是关于爸妈离婚的..(wuuu~~)

Justin doesn't like 'bling'


Justin got his amazing smile from invisible braces


Pattie said Justin isn't allowed to watch R-rated movies and Justin mumbled to himself, 'All I watch is R-rated movies'

Pattie 说justin不允许看R-rated电影,justin却嘀咕着'我看的都是R-rated电影'(就是17岁以上才能看的电影)

Justin once told his personal tutor 'Get Back in your cage!' and Pattie got angry, and told Justin to apologize!

justin又一次和他的家庭教师说'回到你原来的世界去吧'然后 pattie生气了,让justin道歉(这个可以再justin的dairy里看到!是有点不礼貌!)

justin said that he didn't want to kiss jasmine villegas again.


justin likes green M&M's the most


justin tells his mom everything first before he tells his bestfriends. sometimes he doesnt tell his bestfriends stuff.


justin thinks that paparazzi in New Zealand and Australia are way worse than America.


justin gets his shoes a size bigger

justin喜欢买大一号的鞋!!(me too!)

justin doesn't have a ringtone, it just vibrates or goes 'riing, riiing, riing', because he'd start dancing if he had one


justins favorite flavored vitamin water is the purple one.


when those 'fans' stole justins FAVORITE hat at the airport in New Zealand, he screamed 'BITCH!' because he was really mad.


Justin sometimes sings his sister to sleep...awww he is the best older bro:)

justin一直唱歌哄妹妹睡觉....他是最好的哥哥!!(so sweet<3..)

his favorite meal by the mcdonalds is a quarterpunder NO PICKELS!


He kissed all the girls out his music video's but it is not in the vid's becuz he was affraid his fans would be mad!


justin gets really uncomfortable when he sits next to people he doesn't know on airplanes.


justin used to have a teddy bear named Mr. Bear ?

justin曾经有过一只泰迪熊叫Mr. Bear(cute!!)

once when justin went on a public airplane, he fell out of his seat and was sleeping on the floor.

一次justin在飞机上,他从座位上掉下来了,结果发现就在地上睡着了 (haha!!)

when justin was walking around the neighborhood with his sister Jazmyn, paparazzi came so he had to run home with her.


justin likes bow-ties instead of regular straight ties.


when justin is sick, he has chicken-noodle soup.


if justin doesn't want to do a performance, he bribes people to take him to McDonalds or BK for him to do it.


justin does NOT like cats


when justin sings, he points/stares to fans he finds attractive :)


the names of justins 3 girlfriends are Emily Russel, Shay Misuraca and Caitlin Beadles.

justin3个女朋友的名字分别是Emily Russel, Shay Misuraca and Caitlin Beadles

justin calls his mom "sexy" or "Patricia" when he tries to get her attention.


when justin was little, his mom banned him from chocolate, then he got caught eating chocolate in a closet.


justin said if he met the perfect girl, he'd convince her parents to let her travel the world with him ?

justin说他如果遇到最合适自己的女孩,他会说服她父母让她和他一起环游世界!!!(that should be me !just kidding..lol)

justin doesn't care if girls have zits because he's mature enough to see past that.


justin has always wanted to do that thing where you stare into someones eyes for a while, and then kiss them.


justin randomly announces when he has to pee


justin rolls his eyes sometimes at some REALLY obsessive fans. he loves their support, but they are too crazy for him.


justin has to go to the gym sometimes. justin and his swagger coach hit on girls sometimes and help them with weights.


justin gets embarrassed when his mom tries fixing his hair or outfit in front of girls or paparazzi.


justin and his dad used to race for fun :)


justin absolutely HATES it when fans kiss him, he thinks its gross and weird.


justin sings in the shower (;


justin said that a girl's hair has to smell good because that means that she is clean.


justin likes to take cold showers


even though justins eyes are light brown/hazel, they turn greenish in the sunlight.


christian beadles was only in the Eenie Meenie video because justin felt bad he didnt mention him as a BFF in an interview.

只有christian beadles在Eenie Meeni mv中因为justin觉得在一个采访中没有提到Christian是自己的好朋友而感到抱歉!

justin was actually really embarrassed about some of those pictures people posted of him swimming in Australia


justin isn't interested in shy girls

justin对害羞的女孩不感兴趣!(so be open girls!:D)

on April 1, 2009, Justin performed 2 shows and still made time to go to the movies with Jasmine Villegas


Justin still hasn't found his perfect girl, or as he calls it, "The One".

justin还没有找到他的perfect girl,或者他所称的'the one'!!

Justin is excited to and can't wait to fall in love.

justin 对恋爱很兴奋而且迫不及待啊!!(haaha..)

About jv,justin said he only felt the friend vibe and the first kiss was strictly work. he was like "i wouldn't do it again unless I had to".

关于jv,justin说他在一起只感到朋友的氛围,他们的接吻也仅仅是工作,他表态'我不会再这样做除非要我必须去亲'!!! (原版fact)

Justin likes girls who are ambitious and strive for a purpose in life.

justin 喜欢女孩们有野心的并且能为生活目标奋斗!

Justin digs girls who are smarter than he is.


Justin isn't exactly LOOKING for a girlfriend. He believes his heart will tell him when he sees .(cont)

justin 确切来说不在刻意寻找女朋友,他相信当他见到了他的心会告诉他的!!

Kenny, Justin's bodyguard, signed over his life to protect Justin.

kenny,justin的保镖,签了他的一生来保护justin!!!!!!!! (感动!!so sweet!)

Justin is clumsy around pretty girls.

justin 遇到很nice的女孩会笨手笨脚的. (clumsy boy!)

Justin's has almost perfect top teeth, but his bottom teeth are a little crooked.


Justin admitted that he sometimes sings himself to sleep.

Justin承认他有时候会唱歌给自己听,让自己睡着!! (lmfao...!!!)

Justin could eat a Subway sandwich at any time of the day.

justin 能在一天任何时候吃subway的三明治! (嘿嘿~~)

Justin takes a while in the restroom. Sometimes he sits in there for up to 10 minutes!


When out in public places, Justin stares at pretty girls to try to get their attention.

justin在公共地方看到漂亮女孩会盯着她们看来获得注意!! (oh.sweet heart!)



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