

时间:2024-08-18 05:08:43 来源:天宠网


介绍爸爸的英文怎么写作文,1. 介绍爸爸的英语作文 My father is a gentle man.My father has *** all eyes,wears a pair of gla

1. 介绍爸爸的英语作文

My father is a gentle man.My father has *** all eyes,wears a pair of glasses,looking more gently,the daddy's hair are not many, he said "the intelligent head does not grow hair".He usually educates me that the person must to be honestly,friendly to other,and working diligently. This is my father, I love him forever.My family has 5 people: father, mother, grandparents, and I. My father works as an engineer in a pany. My mother is a primary school math teacher.My grandmother used to be a good student in college. And after she graduated, she became an account. My grandfather used to be a worker in wood factory. He always worked a lot with those woods. Mother is 35 years old. My father is 5 years older than her. Grandparents are both 60 years old. We just celebrated their 60th birthday for them. To talk about their hobby. Mother likes dancing. Father loves singing. Grandparents prefer Chinese writing. And I love chess.。

2. 介绍我爸爸的英语作文带翻译

答案是: My father is very tall and strong ,he has short hair and big eyes ,he is a worker , he works in a big factory ,he is very busy every day ,he gets up early in the morning ,then he rides a bike to the factory , in the afternoon he es home very late ,I like my father ,because he teaches me a lot. 我的爸爸个子很高而又强壮,他留着短发,有着大大的眼睛,他是一名工人,他在一家大工厂工作,每天他都非常忙碌,早晨他起床很早,然后骑自行车去上班,在下午特回家很晚,我喜欢我的爸爸,因为他教会我很多。

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3. 介绍爸爸的英语作文

我的父亲 内容提示 用英语写一篇介绍你父亲的文章。



作文示范 My Father My father is of middle height. His eyes are sharp and full of expression. He always appears serious and looks like a judge. At first sight you may think he is hard to e near. In fact he is very kind and thoughtful① of others and their feelings. Appearance often makes people think wrongly; therefore we cannot give an opinion about a person by appearance.My father is a man of success. By his own talents and efforts, he has achieved great achievements in what he does. He has not only created wealth for society but also provided our family with a rich life. Now he is well-known to people all over the city. People of all walks of life②e to my house and, as a result, I gain lots of hard-earned social experiences③and see more joys and sorrows of the world.At home my father is a severe parent. He is very strict with my mother and me. He does not allow my mother to accept anything from others. He requires that my mother should go to office in time and leave it last. He has high expectations of me.④ When I am lazy and idling away my time⑤, I can see that it hurts him deeply. When I am doing something great, such as carrying out an experiment, he is more than excited. With such a father I am always reminded of going on and on, never giving up.词语解释 ①thoughtful['I&:tful] a.体贴的;考虑周到的 ②all walks of life 各行各业 ③hard-earned social experiences 极为难得的社会经验 ④He has high expectations of me. 他对我期望很大。⑤idle away one's time 消磨时间;浪费时光 写法指要1)本文也是一篇介绍家人的文章。



2)文中有不少值得借鉴的表达方式,如:“be of middle height”,“be full of expression,”“looks like a judge”,“be thoughtful of others”,“a man of success”, “create wealth for society”,“be well-known to people”, “all walks of life”, “have high expectation of *** .”, “idle away one's time”等。

4. 介绍爸爸的英文作文

my father

my father is a kind man. he is not very tall but he is a man of perseverance. he works very hard and his services are highly appreciated.

my father is a man of devotion. every morning he gets up the earliest to make breakfast for us. in the evening, he is always the late to e back home. at weekends, he always takes us to go outing in his car. he is a man of few words, but he often says to me "a little learning is a dangerous thing". i will always remember these words.

i love my father very much.




5. 用英文写一篇我的妈妈或者我的爸爸的英语作文

y dad is a tall and handsome middle-aged man. He has big eyes and a pretty Roman nose. He is strict with me, but when i've finished my homework, he'd be glad to bring me out to play. Most important of all, he loves me and mom very much. I love my dad.。

6. 《我的爸爸》的英文作文怎么写~~

My father

My father is an office worker, he is high, he has a round face, *** all nose, *** all ears and a wide mouth, his favorite clothing is a black suit, white shirt, black trousers and a pair of black leather shoes.

I like my father.






7. 介绍我爸爸的英语作文

My father is a worker,so he works in a factory.I think my father is a great person because he thaches me a lot,he thaches me how to be a successful person and he teaches me how to deal with all kinds of problems that I meet in life.My father is very important to me,he teacher me well.He teaches what I should do and what I shouldn't do.

My father is a good father,I love my father.

8. 急需


Well ,today ,i will introduce my father in this position.Im so gald to do this.en ,my father ,he is an excellent man .he is good at work ,is also very kind to my mother and i.NO matter how early it is ,he always make me a breakfast ,and send me to the school.when he turnS him day off ,he often ,takes me to the zoos ,parks,ang climb mountains.how much he love me .i can feel everytime ,and everywhere.icant imagine my life without him .I can grow well depend on his love。不行的话多多包含。

9. 用英文写自己的爸爸要怎么介绍

如果是随便的话,那就 My father is an engineer,he is so busy that usually he couldn't stay at home with us . But I know all he've done is for our family, I believe he loves us like we love him. My father isn't too old, but now the color of his hairs is changing into white. My father, the great man,has devote all himself to our family。

10. 《我的爸爸》的英文作文怎么写~~

My fatherMy father is an office worker, he is high, he has a round face, *** all nose, *** all ears and a wide mouth, his favorite clothing is a black suit, white shirt, black trousers and a pair of black leather shoes. I like my father. 翻译:我的爸爸我的爸爸是一名办公室职员,他很高,他有着一个圆脸、小鼻子、小耳朵和一张宽大的嘴巴,他最喜欢的衣服是一件黑色的西装,白色的衬衫,黑色的西裤和一双黑色的皮鞋。











一、狗狗都是有领地意识的,然而,藏獒的领地意识相对宠物狗,来说要强很多,在领地受到侵犯的时候,咬人,甚至吃人现象就不难解释了。因此,在即将进入藏獒领地的时候,最好有主人的带领。 相关阅读:狗狗领地意识太强怎么办?




2007年的玉树赛马节让[獒王]一夜成名,成为玉树州乃至整个藏獒界的头条新闻,很多养獒名家,都跃跃欲试,期待[獒王]的登场,一时出现“百家争獒王”的场面。武汉双武獒园獒主李福顺先生不惜重金,最终以390万元的高价成功迎得[獒王]。这在玉树州乃至整个国内藏獒界都产生了深远的影响,玉树州政府特举行新闻发布会,各大媒体争相报道,万人欢送[獒王],场面堪称盛大! 现[獒王]已荣归武汉双武獒园,武汉双武獒园以[獒王]为媒,将武汉双武獒园的藏獒事业,以及中国的藏獒文化发扬光大,在藏獒文化的发展方面尽自己的微薄之力。 武汉双武獒园位于湖北省武汉经济技术开发区蔡甸区,地处江汉平原东端,南依长江,北托汉水,距武汉中心城区10余公里,距汉口火车站、武汉客运港各20公里,京珠高速、沪蓉高速在这里交汇,水、陆、空交通便捷,承东启西,联北通南,通达全国各地。这里是楚文化的发祥地之一。春秋时期,生长于蔡甸马鞍山的楚隐士钟子期,与晋大夫俞伯牙“高山流水结知音”,使这里成为“知音故里”。这里资源丰富,山水旖旎;54平方公里的南湖水系,水质清纯,景点密布,是各地游客理想的旅游度假胜地;环绕6个街镇的沉湖水系,鱼肥水美,百鸟鸣栖,有天然珍稀湿地保护面积150万亩;闻名遐迩的莲花湖穿布城关,形成“三面荷花一面柳,满城春光半城湖”的亮丽风貌;境内的“江汉平原第一峰”九真山、佛教圣地嵩阳山,均被列为国家级森林公园。 武汉双武獒园总占地面积1300余亩,建有标准化獒舍20000余平米。獒园设有完善的组织管理体系,制定了科学的管理制度,是中南地区最大的纯种藏獒繁育基地之一,也是目前湖北省唯一一家取得了中国农业部畜牧业协会颁发的中国藏獒纯种养殖基地的认证。为了保留藏獒纯正的血统,本园种獒绝大部分是从西藏、青海、甘肃、四川牧区直接引进的原生态藏獒,黑獒、金獒、雪獒、铁包金品系齐全。经过不断的探索、实践、研究,本园现已发展成一家集养殖、繁育、销售、科研为一体的专业化獒园。 武汉双武獒园热忱欢迎各地獒友前来参观、交流,以求共同发展,共创辉煌,为中华藏獒事业的发展作出积极的贡献!



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